
🧪 Prerelease Disclaimer
Fedigardens is pre-release software. Some features may not work as intended, and the current versions of the app are not fully representative of the final product.

Blocked Servers

Fedigardens may not be able to connect to community servers in which the developers are unable to verify that content is safely moderated. Please note that this list is not comprehensive, and it may be modified per the developers’ (or Apple’s) discretion.

  • gab {dot} ai
  • gab {dot} com
  • exited {dot} eu
  • not-develop {dot} gab {dot} com
  • develop {dot} gab {dot} com
  • ekrem {dot} develop {dot} gab {dot} com
  • gab {dot} io
  • gabble {dot} xyz
  • gab {dot} polaris-1 {dot} work
  • gabfed {dot} com
  • spinster {dot} xyz
  • djitter {dot} com
  • kazvam {dot} com
  • truthsocial {dot} com
  • endtimebelievers {dot} com
  • bitcoinhackers {dot} org
  • megamast {dot} io
  • obo {dot} sh
  • social {dot} ancreport {dot} com
  • gearlandia {dot} haus


Mastodon doesn’t natively support a system for providing quote discussions. Fedigardens provides a friendly workaround by searching for a text-compatible string like the following:

đź’¬: https://mastodon.example/@username/0123456789

Fedigardens can also detect other quote types from apps such as Re: Toot, Ice Cubes, and general links to Mastodon discussions.

When you create a quote discussion in Fedigardens, this string is automatically added in the text contents of the discussion.

⚠️ Quote Responsibly
While Fedigardens offers this functionality, please use it responsibly. Remember to follow your server’s rules on quotes, and refrain from “quote dunking”.

Tags in Replies

When you reply to another discussion in Fedigardens, you may receive the following warning:

⚠️ You have hashtags in your reply.
Remember to respect the person you are replying to, and refrain from adding hashtags for reach without consent. Learn more…

You are free to include hashtags in a reply, but be sure to gain consent for doing so (or take down the reply if requested). According to @doot, this kind of behavior can bring unintended audiences to the original author’s discussion:

Don’t add hashtags under other people’s posts without permission.

It’s condescending and opens them up to an audience they may very well not want.

Tags in replies are also subject to your instance’s rules.

Frugal Mode

Frugal Mode is an energy-saving feature that attempts to reduce network usage and curb carbon emissions by limiting the content being loaded into the app. When this feature is turned on, the following is changed:

  • Timelines will be limited to fetching ten discussions at a time. This also bypasses the Fetch Batch Size.
  • Emojis, profile pictures, and media attachments aren’t loaded.
  • Options for loading more content are disabled.

Sending Feedback

If you’d like to report a bug or suggest a feature, we highly recommend making a post on the Feedback Portal at You can also do this by going to Settings > About and tapping “Start a Discussion” in the Send Feedback section.

If you prefer using GitHub Issues, you may use that solution as well. If all else fails, feel free to reach out via emailing software {at} marquiskurt {dot} net.